Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Yummy mini egg cookies the whole family will love!

With Easter not far away, the shops are now rolling out their Easter treats (though to be fair, many have had them out for a while!).

This mean’s lots of us are about to have a bit of sugar overload in the coming weeks. But if you find yourself with a bit of excess, don’t fear, we have the perfect recipe to use up some of those leftover mini eggs (if there is any!).

The kids and I have been back in the kitchen baking one of our favourite things, cookies! We are huge fans of baking cookies as once you have a recipe to use, it becomes easier every time, plus they are super tasty and don’t last very long at all. Combing our favourite chocolates to create these mini egg cookies has been a huge success.

When we are baking with the kids, they like simple recipes that they can follow and help from start to finish and this recipe is perfect for that.

Mini egg cookies


One thing that surprised us with these cookies was how soft the shells from the egg’s went. Even once cooled they were a just a sweet soft shell, rather than the crunchy shell you may be used to.

The great thing with these cookies though is you can adapt them to what you have in, if you don’t have 200 grams of mini eggs but a combination of mini eggs, smarties eggs and smarties, throw them all in. It is a great way to use up left over chocolates in a way the whole family will enjoy.

If you have enjoyed this recipe don’t forget you can check out our other great recipes here. We are also huge fans of Pinterest too and have a whole board dedicated to cookies!

Mini egg cookies the whole family will love

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